Acoperămintele de altar au adesea pictate simboluri sacre și diverse elemente oculte, făcând procesul de divinație mai profesionist și mai aprofundat.
Despre arta divinației
Divinația încearcă să dezvăluie energiile nevăzute care ne modelează viețile – prin intrarea într-o stare de spirit receptivă.
Of The Bagua Principles
The Bagua is an essential tool in feng shui, an ancient Chinese system that harmonizes individuals with their environment to promote balance, prosperity, and well-being.
Of The Use Of Bioenergy
While bioenergy is widely accepted in traditional and alternative healing systems, it remains a subject of interest in scientific research.
Arta vindecătoare Reiki
Reiki este o practică care își propune să ajute fluxul de energie și să elimine blocurile într-un mod similar cu acupunctura sau presopunctura.
Of The Art Of Channeling
Channelers may serve as conduits for healing energy, directing it towards themselves or others to facilitate physical, emotional, or spiritual healing.
Of The Use Of Magical Tools
Magic tools, the implements of the arcane, are instruments that enable practitioners to manipulate, direct, and harness the energies of the universe for various magical purposes.
Despre amuletele magice
Amuletele creează puntea dintre tangibil și metafizic, servind ca amintiri tangibile ale interconexiunii dintre toate lucrurile.
Of Caffeine and Wellness
In recent years, the role of caffeine in overall wellness has garnered significant attention, with both benefits and considerations regarding its consumption being explored.
Of Coffee and Chi
There’s nothing like the thrill you get in the morning, when you feel the bitter taste of the dark liquid in your cup, and think about the new day ahead, and about all the hopes, and the new possibilities it presents.
Of The Art of Cartomancy
As with any reading, it’s important to set up a clutter-free positive space. Objects can absorb energy, so only keep spiritual items, like crystals, around during a reading.
Câteva vorbe despre Radiestezie
Radiestezia descrie capacitatea de a detecta radiațiile emise de o persoană, animal, obiect sau caracteristică geografică.
Protect Your Home from Bad Energy
Doors and windows to the outside act as entrances for energy. To keep these areas purified, and reflect the negative energy away from your home, the Feng Shui comes with a variety of options.
Mantra “Om” (Aum)
Mantra Om este atât un simbol vizual cât și auditiv, reprezentând sunetul cosmic care a inițiat crearea universului în cosmologia hindusă.